Test de connaissance du français TCF

Assessment and Certification

The TCF is an examination of French language ability produced in France by the CIEP (Centre International d'Études Pédagogiques). This examination is taken by  applicants wishing  to take on a study program in France, to pursue a project of immigration to Quebec in Canada, or to satisfy the French  language requirement to the French naturalization process.

Recommended for:

Students who wish to take on  programs in French universities

Applicants who have submitted an immigration application with the delegation of Quebec

Applicants to the French naturalisation program


Internationally recognized and accepted by the ministries of immigration of Quebec, France and by French higher education institutions.

The TCF test has three different versions; TCF TP, TCF Quebec and TCF ANF (French naturalisation program).

More about TCF TP

More about TCF Quebec

More about TCF ANF